Plastic surgery encompasses many innovative medical procedures that help people look and feel their best by restoring or enhancing their natural features. Plastic surgeons are not just doctors but empathetic professionals with a great sense of aesthetics and your best interests at heart. In the heart of Nashville, one such plastic surgeon is making waves for delivering excellence when it comes to mommy makeovers. Meet Dr. Michael R. Burgdorf, the visionary surgeon and founder of Music City Plastic Surgery. Boasting a series of accolades in his career, Dr. Burgdorf, a board-certified surgeon, is now the maestro of transformation to supermoms who aspire to return to their original shape post-childbirth.
Originally hailing from the Garden State, Dr. Burgdorf started his journey of becoming a premier plastic surgeon soon after he graduated from the University of Notre Dame and Tulane University. His commitment to excellence was evident even on the football field, where he played under the legendary Lou Holtz. However, it was in the operating room where Dr. Burgdorf truly found his calling, blending surgical precision with an artistic vision.
At Music City Plastic Surgery, Dr. Burgdorf created a haven of innovation and personalized care. The clinic aims to be the best for patients seeking to elevate their appearance and regain their confidence. With state-of-the-art technology and a dedication to nurturing relationships, Dr. Burgdorf’s practice reflects the ethos of relationship-driven plastic surgery.
Besides emphasizing a human touch at his practice, Dr. Burgdorf stands out for his impeccable surgical skills and his understanding of the unique needs of his patients. He specializes in labiaplasty, a procedure that addresses a common but often overlooked issue, providing women with renewed confidence and comfort. From judges to stay-at-home moms, Dr. Burgdorf’s expertise knows no bounds to empower women by making them feel confident about their looks.

Mommy makeovers are gaining growing popularity at Dr. Burgdorf’s clinic. As a father of four, he understands the physical toll that motherhood brings. As an author of the #1 Amazon Best Selling book titled The Mommy Makeover: Restoring Your Body After Childbirth, Dr. Burgdorf has shared his thoughts and experiences with the transformative power of plastic surgery.
More than just a physical transformation, it’s about reigniting the spark of joy that women yearn for. Many of his patients who embraced motherhood and underwent a Mommy Makeover with Dr. Burgdorf have experienced a life-changing transition from being self-conscious to self-assured. Women from not just Nashville but also Miami and other major cities in the U.S. are seeking services at Music City Plastic Surgery.
Bestowed with numerous awards and accolades, including the coveted Mom’s Choice Silver Award, Dr. Burgdorf’s reputation precedes him. From television appearances to international radio interviews, his expertise has captured audiences’ attention far and wide. Beyond the accolades and achievements, Dr. Burgdorf remains grounded, prioritizing his family. The love and support of his wife and children drive him to make a difference, one patient at a time.
So, those who want to claim supermom status and embrace the confidence they deserve look no further than Dr. Michael R. Burgdorf. Women across the U.S. are coming to the Music City Plastic Surgery to regain their original shape and claim the spotlight in their lives again. This life-changing transformation is just a consultation away. Also, request your copy of The Mommy Makeover: Restoring Your Body After Childbirth for a deeper dive into the world of transformative plastic surgery as you begin your journey to becoming more confident.
Written in partnership with Tom White.