This November, Florida citizens will be voting on several important state constitutional amendments in addition to the presidential race. Here is what you need to know about the six constitutional amendments that will appear on the Florida ballot.

Amendment 1 proposes that the state return to having partisan school board elections after November 2026. An amendment passed in 1998 made school board elections non-partisan, but education has become increasingly politicized over the past few years. Those in favor of Amendment 1 hope for voters to have more transparency by naming which party candidates align with, while those opposed claim it will only further politicize education in the state. Governor Ron DeSantis has had a heavy hand in school board elections and the politicization of education in Florida, backing over thirty winning candidates in 2022. His drive to ban books and lessons on critical race theory is one of the primary reasons for Amendment 1’s proposal.

Amendment 2 proposes making fishing and hunting a state constitutional right for Floridians. The amendment would not infringe on the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s authority, but in a state with one of the most fragile environments, many worry that the amendment would mitigate attempts to protect wildlife. The current state law already establishes citizen’s right to fish and hunt, but the amendment would make it more difficult for groups opposing fishing and hunting to stop individuals from doing so.

Amendment 3 would allow adult use of recreational marijuana. Medical marijuana was legalized in Florida in 2016, and over one million state residents signed a petition to fully legalize cannabis. DeSantis and other state officials are concerned that language in the bill will make it difficult to regulate the cannabis industry, but public support for the bill may overwrite these fears. If passed, the bill would remove criminal and civil penalties for adults over 21 in possession of up to three ounces of cannabis.

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Amendment 4 seeks to protect access to abortion in the state of Florida. The amendment is backed by a petition signed by over one million Floridians and would overturn the state’s six-week abortion ban that passed last year and is set to take effect in May. The amendment would protect Flordian’s right to abortion without condition up to 24 weeks into pregnancy. It would also allow abortions whenever deemed necessary by a healthcare provider without any limit as to when it could occur. The amendment has been highly controversial, with conservatives claiming it allows abortions up until birth, and liberals arguing that is not the case. 

Amendment 5 proposes adjusting one of the state’s homestead exemptions for inflation, which could allow homeowners to save on their property taxes. The amendment would change the way the value of a home is calculated, therefore changing the amount of tax paid by the homeowner. There is already a $25,000 exemption for certain homeowners in Florida, but the amendment would adjust that exemption for inflation, allowing homeowners to pay less in taxes. Critics are concerned about the tax revenue that local governments would lose, which could reach up to 110 million annually. This could be pushed onto commercial properties, which would mean increased rent and burden on tenants. 

Amendment 6 proposes ending public campaign financing. In 1998, Florida passed an amendment that allows candidates to use public money up to a certain amount for campaign funding. In 2022, more than $12 million went to candidates running for governor. Those who oppose the amendment believe that public campaign financing gives increased access to those who want to run for office but would otherwise lack the resources to do so. Conservative lawmakers have been trying to repeal the 1998 amendment for more than a decade, but have been unsuccessful.